Mobile City Championship
2024 General Information
Mobile City Championship
November 2nd 2024 Live Oak Landing
All club or 6 man team representatives please provide a roster by September 1st 2024 to
Boat numbers drawn at the ramp.
ENTRY FEE: $100 covers Launch and Lunker.
SIDE POT: $25 Highest in the pot wins all.
6 MAN SIDE POT: $150 Highest 6 man team in the pot wins all.
Visit- select the city championship tab and register or you can also bring forms to any Pride of the South event.
Paying Entry Fees –Due by 10-26-24
Mail Check
25625 HWY 613
Lucedale, MS 39452
Make it out to Pride of the South
Venmo @Jeremy-Bass-78932
2024 Rules
51st Annual Mobile City Championship Tournament
2024 MBA Tournament Rules Printable
1. Participants And Eligibility:
Each Mobile Bass Association club or tournament trail currently in good standing as defined in Article II
Section II of the by-laws may enter one six person team. Clubs with 24 or more members may send a six man
team for every multiple of 12 members it has on roll. For example; a club or trail with 60 members may send 5
six man teams. Also, every member of each club or tournament trail, who meets the eligibility requirements can
participate independent of the 6 man teams and compete for all prizes, except the team prize. Each participant
must sign an official Mobile City Championship Entry Form. All boaters must be at least 18 years old. This is
primarily a solo tournament (one man per boat), but in the case where a member wants to fish as a non-boater,
we will try to place him with a boater from another club who has agreed to have a non-boater ride along with
them and only if such space is available. Any eligible member under the age of 18 years old who wants to fish
independently, must have a boat captain to drive the boat, who cannot fish or give any fishing advice to the
participant; or must ask to fish as a non-boater. In the event that a participant has a medical condition that
would be unsafe to be alone in their boat; they may elect to enter as a non-boater or invite a non-participant to
ride along with them as an observer only. The observer is not allowed to fish or give fishing advice to the
participant. Boaters must have proof of Liability Insurance in boat during Tournament.
2. Tournament Site And Times:
This year’s tournament will be held on Saturday, November 2, 2024 at Live Oak Landing. Blast off will be at
first safe light. The Tournament Committee has decided there will be 3 flights of 25 boats or more depending on
Must be at morning check in by 6:15 AM to be able to fish
******If you are late you will not be allowed to fish and there will be no refund.******
In the case of an accident or break down on the way to the launch site; you should call one of the members of
the tournament committee and report the problem and the committee will make a decision about allowing that
person to participate.
Boats will be blasting off 1 boat at a time. (See rule No. 7)
First Flight will weigh-in at 4:00 PM, Second flight at 4:15 PM
and Third Flight at 4:30 PM
Entry Fee: $ 100.00 per man includes Lunker Pot and Launch
3. Safety:
Safe boating conduct must be observed at all times by all participants. Each participant is required to wear a
United States Coast Guard approved life preserver at any time the boat is on a plane. Each boat shall have all
safety equipment in a functioning capacity as required by any State/Federal, U.S.C.G. Law(s), i.e. – running
State, County or Local authority, this shall be cause for immediate disqualification. lights, kill switch, throw
cushion, etc. If a participant receives a citation from any USCG, Marine Police or any
4. Sportsmanship:
Participants are expected to follow high standards of sportsmanship, courtesy, safety and conservation. Any
infraction of these sporting principles may be deemed as cause for disqualification. Drunkenness on the part of
any participant during the tournament or weigh-in will not be tolerated, and shall be cause for immediate
5. Tackle and Equipment:
Only artificial lures may be used. No live bait or prepared bait will be permitted with the exception of pork
rinds, strips, etc. Only one spinning, spin casting, or bait casting rod and reel may be used at any one time. No
trolling or jigger pole fishing is permitted.
6. Permitted Fishing Locations:
Fishing is permitted on any waters accessible by boat from tournament landing, unless designated off-limits by
the tournament committee. Any waters which requires a participant to leave the boat in order to gain access, or
use any other means other than the equipped outboard and trolling motor to gain access shall be deemed
offlimits. No fishing is permitted within 50 yards of another participant’s boat, which was first anchored. No
such anchored boat may allow any other participant(s) to fish in the 50 yard circle claimed by him or her. No
“hole sitting” is allowed. Hole sitting is the practice of a none participant parked on a location to save it for a
tournament participant. All angling is to be done from the boat only and everyone must stay in the boat at all
times except in the case of a dire emergency or hazardous weather conditions.
2024 Off Limits Waters are: Little and Big Chippewa Lakes, Doctor’s Lake, Stimpson Lake, Smith’s Lake,
Green Lake, Bear Lake, Fishing Lake (above Hal’s), Hellcat Lake, Flag Lake, Johnson/Boykin Lake and Ciba
Chute Lake. Also, no locking through any dams or fishing within 800 feet of any lock or dam. Any
participants who fish the off limits waters or seen fishing the off limits areas will be disqualified.
7. Official Checkpoint:
The official checkpoint for check-in in the morning will be at the weigh stand on the South side of the Ramp. At
check-in each participant will draw a key fob which will be their boat number for the day. At this time, a
participant can pay for the optional Calcutta pot ($25) if they did not send with entry and be given 2nd key fob
with your boat number on them to be used for check-in and weigh-in. All boats must check-in at the official
checkpoint by 6:15am or be disqualified. All boats should stay in the idle area on the east side of the river(
Landing side). Once it is determined it is safe to begin the tournament, boats will be released 1 at a time
beginning with boat 1. All participants should wave their hands or flash their running lights when their number
group is called and should idle out and stay at idle turning north or south idling until they have passed all other
boats. No boat shall leave tournament site before official start signal.
Afternoon Self Check-in Process: Each participant is required to place one of the numbered key fobs on the
peg board located on the weigh-in stage by your boat number as soon as you arrive back and must be before
your designated weigh-in time. The other key fob is to be presented to the weigh master when weighing your
fish. Boats in First Flight must check in by 4:00 pm. The Second Flight’s check in time will be 4:15 pm and the
third will be 4:30 pm and so forth. Any participant who has not checked in prior to official ending time shall be
disqualified. In case of boat trouble, participant shall bring or send his fish to the tournament site by
another participants’ boat, as long as the fish remain segregated, and are checked-in at the official check
point on time. Absolutely no trailering of fish will be allowed. Fish brought in by land will not be weighed.
Every participant must notify a tournament committee member if he/she is not weighing in any fish. This
will help in determining if all fishermen have been accounted for in case of boat trouble, etc. and will help
in calculating the total weight for each club.
8. Scoring:
Scoring will be determined by the pounds and hundredths of pound method. The participant with the most
weight shall be declared the winner, with subsequent places being determined in the same manner. Only 6 (Six)
largemouth or spotted bass may be weighed-in by each participant. Only fish 12 (twelve) inches or longer may
be weighed as determined on a “belly board”. Fish will be measured from tip of nose to tip of tail with mouth
closed. Fish that appear to be mangled or altered will be weighed at the weigh master’s discretion. All fish
weighed must have been caught in a sporting manner by that participant during official tournament hours. For
each fish shorter than 12 inch minimum length presented to weigh master, the short fish, and the largest fish
remaining, shall be culled. A courtesy check will be given for 1 fish per angler. The lunker shall be the single
fish weighing the most pounds and hundredths, after deducting the dead fish penalty, if any. Lunker to be
weighed shall be selected from the creel by the participant. The official individual weights of each of the team
members from their respective MBA club shall be added together to determine the team champions. The team
with the most combined total weight shall be declared the winner. Any participant presenting more than 6 (Six)
fish to the weigh master will be disqualified. Dead Fish Penalty: any dead fish (as determined by the weigh
master) weighed-in, will have a penalty of .25 pound per dead fish deducted from that participant’s total weight.
This penalty will be applied to the lunker if the lunker is dead. All fish weighed-in shall become the property of
the Mobile Bass Association.
9. Ties:
In the event of a tie for any place, the participant with the largest fish in pounds and hundredths of pounds ( less
dead fish penalty) in his/her creel shall be declared the winner.
10. Alcoholic Beverages:
No alcoholic beverages or drugs may be consumed during tournament hours by any participant. Intoxication by
any participant during the tournament or weigh-in will be grounds for disqualification.
11. Electronic Communications:
No form of electronic communications (cellular phone, CB radio, text messages, etc.) may occur between
participants during tournament hours except to seek assistance in case of an emergency; i.e., boat break down,
illness, etc. Communications between participants, or any other individuals not participating, that report on
fishing success, water conditions, successful lures, tactics, etc. is strictly forbidden and will be grounds for
12. Protest:
Any protest must be registered in writing, and signed by the protesting participant. It shall be presented to the
tournament committee chairman no later than 15 minutes after the conclusion of the weigh-in, along with a $50
deposit. Deposit will be refunded only if the protest is upheld. If not the $50 will go into the general fund.
A polygraph test will be administered to the winner
and randomly to the top five places and/or Lunker
Phone Numbers:
Jeremy Bass,
Cell: 228-327-5941 (Main Contact)
Tournament Committee:
Jimmie McLain 251-401-9459 Joey Smith 251-709-8735
Lee Grandquest 251-510-0164
Robbie Jackson 251-599-2927
Please keep a copy of the tournament rules in your boat to verify rules and to have the
above contacts available in case of an emergency or problems which may occur during the
Other Contact Information:
Coast Guard Search & Rescue
2024 Results
Results will be posted here soon after the finish.